Living Life one Step at a Time

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Boring School Again!!!!

So as you all know yesterday wes my frist day back to school. School is so boring. I will tell you why it is so boring.
  1. Mr. Lowery is fat and has no hair
  2. Mr. Lowery thinks he is so funney when he is not
  3. When I am at school I feel like the time is frozen
  4. We have to carrie books home
  5. Lunch is an hour latter
  6. I have a class in the 80's then to the 40's and I only have 5 min to get to it
  7. Most of the class are not that fun

Now the Good Thing

  1. I have a top locker
  2. Ms.Morgan is my fav teacher
  3. I am learning dance
  4. I have a new BFF and her name is Breana
  5. I have not hade homework so far
  6. I know my locker by heart
  7. and in a few more days I get to go to Christopher brithday party at Chuck-E-Chesse


  1. u do not like the lunch a hour latter, I love it because it is not breakfast it is actually lunch time. But good that u r having fun.
    ps hope school gets better 4 u
