Living Life one Step at a Time

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


So for young womens on Wednesday we did a game night. It was a ton of fun. Sister Duck was takeing some pic of u.s. playing this game. The pic are so funnie.The game we played was still the cholate.There are two teams. You get a number and a teacher or someone else yells out a number.If the number is yours you run to the middle grab the cholate and try to get back to your side. It you get to it and no one tags you youget a pice of chocalate.If the peson on the other team with the same number tags you you have to put back the chocalate.If the peson huw has the choclate drops it then the peson on the othe side may try to get it.As I said it was a ton of fun!


and more fun